Who We Are
Empowering People to Greater Flourishing!

Who We Serve
Compassionate Justice is committed to receive and serve all individuals and families without exception with the love of Jesus. In pursuing this commitment, we strive to empower all people to advance into the life of flourishing God desires! Romans 5:8 says: “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” We are determined to demonstrate this same compassionate love to everyone within the communities we serve.
Why We Serve
Have you ever wondered how you would feel if you did not have enough food to eat? Or maybe you have experienced unemployment or difficulty finding a good job? Can you imagine being in a situation where you do not have a safe place to hang out with friends or do your homework? Circumstances like these can be common in under-resourced communities where unemployment is high, single parent families are prevalent, many of the schools are below standards, and the rate of crime is unacceptable!
The Board and staff of Compassionate Justice are passionately committed to assist people to find healing, restoration, and hope through the life changing transformation offered by Jesus! We are excited to engage in long-term relationships with people living in under-resourced communities. Through our witness and the opportunities we provide, they can learn to take steps out of poverty and into a more flourishing and thriving life! Our mission compels us to improve the conditions of individuals, families, and communities so they may experience life transformation driven by the power of Christ and realized in very practical ways.
We seek to help individuals and families by working tirelessly to assist them to grow closer to Jesus. We provide Biblically based education, life skills training, and support services which demonstrate how to live life God’s way so that they may experience His abundant blessings. On a community level, we are committed to rebuilding the economic foundation of under-resourced communities. In addition, we advocate for better systems and quality of healthcare and education. We also fervently seek to break down barriers (such as racial injustice and employment discrimination) which constrains flourishing. We want to see these barriers replaced with God’s righteousness which will bring His peace and joy to individuals, families and the whole community.
Through transformed lives, overcoming obstacles, and discovering God’s truth, people will be empowered to pursue their dreams and find their ultimate purpose!
Please join our movement by making an Impact Investment of your Time, Talents, and Treasure! We welcome your support as we endeavor to Build God’s Kingdom Together!
Compassionate Justice is committed to receive and serve all individuals and families without exception with the love of Jesus. In pursuing this commitment, we strive to empower all people to advance into the life of flourishing God desires! Romans 5:8 says: “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” We are determined to demonstrate this same compassionate love to everyone within the communities we serve.
Why We Serve
Have you ever wondered how you would feel if you did not have enough food to eat? Or maybe you have experienced unemployment or difficulty finding a good job? Can you imagine being in a situation where you do not have a safe place to hang out with friends or do your homework? Circumstances like these can be common in under-resourced communities where unemployment is high, single parent families are prevalent, many of the schools are below standards, and the rate of crime is unacceptable!
The Board and staff of Compassionate Justice are passionately committed to assist people to find healing, restoration, and hope through the life changing transformation offered by Jesus! We are excited to engage in long-term relationships with people living in under-resourced communities. Through our witness and the opportunities we provide, they can learn to take steps out of poverty and into a more flourishing and thriving life! Our mission compels us to improve the conditions of individuals, families, and communities so they may experience life transformation driven by the power of Christ and realized in very practical ways.
We seek to help individuals and families by working tirelessly to assist them to grow closer to Jesus. We provide Biblically based education, life skills training, and support services which demonstrate how to live life God’s way so that they may experience His abundant blessings. On a community level, we are committed to rebuilding the economic foundation of under-resourced communities. In addition, we advocate for better systems and quality of healthcare and education. We also fervently seek to break down barriers (such as racial injustice and employment discrimination) which constrains flourishing. We want to see these barriers replaced with God’s righteousness which will bring His peace and joy to individuals, families and the whole community.
Through transformed lives, overcoming obstacles, and discovering God’s truth, people will be empowered to pursue their dreams and find their ultimate purpose!
Please join our movement by making an Impact Investment of your Time, Talents, and Treasure! We welcome your support as we endeavor to Build God’s Kingdom Together!
Our Mission
Developing thriving Christ centered communities by eradicating the root causes of systemic poverty! (Spiritual, Relational, Motivational, and Material Poverty)
Our Vision
We see thousands of Jesus’ followers, serving in unity, living sacrificially, expanding the Kingdom of God in Communities, Cities and Nations!
Ministry Values
Set free by grace
Humble to say I am sorry
Gracious to forgive
Generous to a fault
Stepping out in faith after listening to God
Taking action after listening to others
Acting with an attitude of abundance (not hoarding scarcity)
Propelled by love
Our Organizational
Alignment Priorities
These values will determine with whom and to what degree we associate, financially support, and Partner with individuals and other organizations:
By the power of the Holy Spirit and through our witness, we lead individuals, families, and communities into a growing biblical relationship with God the father, through Jesus the son, who is the Hope and Savior of the world (Acts 1:8).
We tirelessly strive to rescue individuals, families, and communities from the kingdom of darkness with power by restoring God’s Kingdom of justice, righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit (Romans 14:17; 1 Corinthians 4:20; Colossians 1:13-14; Hebrews 1:8).
We generously help individuals, families, and communities overcome the challenges of life that are greater than they can handle, while avoiding solutions which encourage enablement and/or dependency (Galatians 6: 2, 5).
Living life together we commit to establish long term friendships with individuals, families, and communities we do not know so we can love and serve them with humility by meeting their felt needs (Philippians 2:3-12, Matthew 22:39).
We rely on the Holy Spirit daily to guide our relationships, strategies, and actions to ensure His will be done on earth as it is in heaven (Ephesians 6:18).
We develop and strengthen strategic Kingdom Partnerships to maximize impact, pursue unity, and reclaim/rebuild God’s Kingdom together (1 Corinthians 12:12-27).
Learn more about us by viewing our
Statement of Faith